Preface to Nave's Topical Bible, Seventh Edition

THE object of this book is to bring together in cyclopedic form and under familiar headings all that the Bible contains on particular subjects. The subjects formulated are of practical value to every profession and to all who desire to consult the Bible.

The Method pursued in preparing this Digest has been, first, to analyze topically each verse of the Bible, each series of verses, and each chapter and series of chapters; and, second, to group under suitable headings all the scriptures related to the subjects found in the analysis. The first verse in the Bible may serve to illustrate:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
"In the beginning." Some authorities interpret this phrase as meaning the beginning of time;
therefore the author noted, "Time, Beginning of, Gen. 1:1."
Other authorities interpret it as referring to the beginning of the creation;
therefore the author noted, "Creation, Beginning of, Gen 1:1."
"In the beginning God created." The author noted, "God, Creator, Gen 1:1."
"In the beginning God created the heaven." Note, "Heaven, Creation of Gen 1:1."
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Note, "Earth, Creation of, Gen 1:1."
This process was faithfully adhered to throughout the work.

Three classifications of Scripture verses have been published in America, two of which are erroneously styled "a complete analysis" of the Scriptures. Each author followed, with slight and unimportant modifications in arrangement, Mr. Matthew Talbot's classification of verses made in England one hundred years ago. Mr. Talbot's mode of treatment was to arrange all verses of the Bible, as best he might, under thirty general headings. When each verse had been assigned under the heading to which it seemed best adapted the work he undertook was complete. He used no verse more than once, regardless of the many different and distinct subjects it might contain. It was consequently a classification of verses rather than a topical analysis of matter. American publishers have followed this erroneous mode of treatment, and as a result the so-called analyses of the Scriptures hitherto offered to Bible students and Christian teachers have been unsatisfactory. This Digest is an analysis of the matter without regard to verse divisions except for convenience of reference. Verses, parts of verses, series of verses, and chapters are cited or quoted as often as they contain distinct subjects. Numerous verses are repeated from one to thirty times each, according to the number of subjects they contain and their position in extensive citations or extracts. The verse before referred to has been quoted or cited under five different and equally important headings, while other analyses quote it only once. The familiar verse, Rom 5:1, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," is cited under nine headings; namely, Justification, Faith, Peace, Salvation by Faith, Jesus the Saviour, Atonement, Mediation, Propitiation, and Reconciliation, while in other analyses it is used but once, under Justification.

Passages variously interpreted by different religious schools or accepted authorities are cited under the subjects they are claimed to support, without reference to the personal views of the author.

This work is based on the King James Version, but the increasing demand for the readings of the Revised Version constrains me to introduce these readings more liberally than seemed to be required when the work was first published. In this, the seventh edition, I have inserted them where they affect the topical uses of verses. The phrases and sentences affected are set in smaller type than the rest of the text in order to draw attention, and the revised readings and notes of omissions are set in small type at the ends of paragraphs.

To provide against doubt that this Digest would be complete in its classification of matter respecting the principles and practice of law, I secured the assistance of the Honorable John Welch, Judge of the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, U.S.A., and author of Welch's Index-Digest of Ohio Decisions. Judge Welch made a consecutive and analytical study of the Bible for this work, from the standpoint of a learned jurist and successful author, and his notes have been incorporated with the author's. Lawyers, judges, legislators, and statesmen may, therefore, rely on this work as a complete and valuable handbook of the Bible for the purpose of their professions. All subjects relating to the principles and practice of law are classified under headings in common use.

Some subjects abound in the Scriptures to such an extent, and are used so frequently by religious teachers and others, that, were references only given in this work to the books, chapters, and verses containing them, the student would stagger at the thought of developing the topics. In order to make this class of subjects quickly and easily available the verses, or parts of verses, themselves are printed. This method of treatment might have been extended, but the size of a convenient volume had to be taken into consideration. Minor topics are made almost equally available by brief sub-topical divisions followed by references.

One of the most important, and it is believed valuable, features of this book is its elaborate system of cross references to kindred and antithetical subjects. Wide scope is thus given each subject by connecting it with those to which it is related.

Under the sub-topic, INSTANCES OF, are grouped all the illustrative facts that occur in the Scriptures relating to each subject. As a book of illustrations this work should prove valuable. It also contains numerous and elaborate Bible readings, with a wide range of subjects.

An index contains a handy reference to the pages and columns in which each verse of the Bible is quoted or referred to throughout the work, to enable anyone who may be studying any particular verse to find what topics the author noted in it, and with what scriptures it is grouped.

It was not the object of the author in preparing this Digest to develop religious subjects only, but to note and classify everything found in the scriptures. It is believed that it is approximately exhaustive. It is the result of fourteen years of delightful and untiring study of the word of God, aided by my wife, Anna Semans Nave, who has been an indefatigable assistant from the inception of the work. All pioneer works of an analytic character, as well as all noteworthy commentaries, have been consulted, in order to bring into it all useful materials to be found. Its preparation was inspired by the obvious deficiency of such helps in the use of the Scriptures. This deficiency was felt by the author in preparing sermons, lectures, and other forms of religious instruction. The quite of army garrisons, apart from the rush and distraction of dense communities, has been favorable to its careful preparation. With the belief that it will contribute to make the Scriptures more quickly, easily, and fully available where particular subjects are under consideration, I offer it to the public.


Fort McPherson, Ga.